Legacies & Gifts
Meet Some of Our Legators
Every legacy gift to the RSN is greatly appreciated whether large or small. To us, each donor is important and that is why we don’t just think about the amount given but about the people who chose to make this special gift to the RSN.
Here are just a few of them.
Jean Panter
Jean was an avid needlewoman, who had taken lessons at the RSN. As described by her brother she ‘went to work between stitching’, not that she had a small job. She was a senior police woman serving in both the Metropolitan police force and in Hong Kong. Jean left her estate to the RSN including all her materials and stitching equipment. This was of great help to the RSN. As the gift had no stipulations upon it we were able to use it straight away. The notification of this gift coincided with our being told that the RSN was not going to get government funding for the degree programme, due to their changing policy. Because we knew of Jean’s legacy, our Trustees were able to take the bold decision to go ahead with the Degree course. As such this was a significant gift for our future.
Victoria Adams
Victoria was a Life Friend of the RSN. Originally from England she moved to Canada in the 1980s but continued her relationship with the RSN and remained very interested in hand embroidery. In her will she left 40% Residue to the RSN. This was a sizeable estate and the money has been put into an endowment fund. Victoria was very keen on supporting more people, especially young people, in having the opportunity to learn the skills of hand embroidery and keep the techniques alive and in use. In recognition of this desire, the Trustees are currently using the income to support bursaries for Degree students and Future Tutors.
Wendy Hogg
Wendy joined the RSN in 1969 at the age of 19, originally on a one-month contract. In 2009 we celebrated 40 years of Wendy being at the RSN, during that time she had worked on a wide variety of projects from the Overlord Embroidery to a centenary project for Guiding (another passion of hers) and helped many people with mounting their work. Wendy died in 2011 from lung cancer, a cruel irony as she did not smoke, at the age of 60, but such was her commitment to the RSN that she left us a legacy. Wendy was a generous person with many interests and we received a Residuary bequest which goes towards student bursaries and prizes.
For more information
If you are considering leaving a legacy to the RSN then please contact Chief Executive Dr Susan Kay-Williams or T:+44 (0) 20 3166 6936.