New Stitches on RSN Stitch Bank

3rd November, 2022

RSN Stitch Bank continues to grow in awareness and in the number of stitches featured on the site. As part of our anniversary celebrations this weekend, we have added another 25 stitches today, giving a total of 275 stitches!

RSN Stitch Bank is an incredible resource, featuring videos, written instructions, illustrations and photographs for each stitch. It also includes history of its use and images of the stitch on items from the RSN Textile Collection.

RSN Stitch Bank is available online via the website and is a unique resource for all stitchers, teachers, curators, historians, researchers and students. Stitchers are able to find a new stitch to use in a project and learn how to work it. Researchers, curators, historians and students can use the site to learn about the use, structure and history of each stitch, in a range of embroidery techniques, and to identify individual stitches on a textile.

RSN Stitch Bank has been made possible thanks to a number of charitable trusts and many individual donors who have ‘Adopted a Stitch’ for themselves, for a friend or for a parent or grandparent who first taught them to stitch. If you would like to support the project and ‘Adopt a Stitch’, visit for more information.
