No food or drink is permitted in the classroom

Photography is allowed with permission

Important Information about the event and venue

How to get to Canterbury Cathedral

Registration commences at 9.45am and please meet the Shepherds at the Christ Church Gate or the Welcome Centre who will guide you to the Community Studio overlooking the main entrance to the Cathedral.


Please bring a packed lunch and any drinks you may require during the day.


Your kit will be ready for you in the classroom. Any additional equipment will be available to purchase or borrow from the RSN on the day. It is useful to bring a notepad and pen, a thimble if you use one.

The RSN shop is located at Hampton Court Palace but can be accessed online here.


You may take photographs of your own work in progress, or of other students’ work with their permission.

Cancellation Policy

Partnership classes are non-refundable and non-transferable. Please refer to our Day Class Terms and Conditions page for our Day Class cancellation policy.


Please email our Education Team if you have any specific access or other requirements so we can do our best to accommodate your needs.


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