Hand & Lock Prize for Embroidery 2018


The annual Hand & Lock Prize for Embroidery was established in 2000 to help emerging talent in the world of embroidery. In recent years it has been expanded to include textile artists, interior and accessory designers as well as those working in fashion. The Prize receives thousands of entries from fashion students and talented embroiderers from all over the world. In 2018, three of our degree students received awards at Hand & Lock.

2018 Graduate Alex Standring won two Awards in ‘Student Category, Textile Arts’ and ‘The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers for Excellence in Goldwork Prize’. Alex’s work is entitled ‘Faith and Fears’ which is inspired by the Byzantine mosaics in Sicily and her phobia of spiders as it explores the idea of the conflict and contrast between faith and fear.

2018 Graduate Lizzie Lowe won the ‘Worshipful Company of Broderers Award’ with her work entitled ‘Crossing Borders’ – an embroidered bespoke tailored menswear collection using Goldwork and Crewelwork techniques.  It was designed for evening wear and includes a three-piece suit, loafers, a collection of socks, ties, cufflinks and tie bars. The fabric used was MacNeil tartan which represents Lizzie’s Scottish heritage from her mother’s family when they crossed the borders to live in England.

2018 Graduate Beth Cole received the Second Prize for Embroidery in ‘Student Category, Fashion’. Beth’s work has been inspired by the human figure.



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