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Help Create Our Future as an RSN Trustee
22nd June, 2022
RSN seeks new trustees to replace important experience and expertise on its Board
We may be celebrating 150 years of history but we are also passionate about continued growth and development. As with many arts and crafts, embroidery is experiencing a revival following the pandemic and the RSN is ensuring that traditional skills and techniques are preserved for future generations while also remaining relevant today.
While similar organisations struggled to survive and/or continue operations during the pandemic, we transferred activity online within two days of lockdown, ensuring teaching continued. We introduced lectures and talks and created a global community and a lifeline for many in enforced isolation as well as providing significant health and wellbeing benefits.
We are now seeking new trustees to help us continue to adapt and strengthen the impact we have on our many stakeholders. You can lend your own professional experience and expertise to help support our endeavours. We are particularly interested in applicants with any of the following expertise and experience to complement and expand the skills of our current trustees: Legal, HR, Fundraising, Diversity & Inclusion, Digital and Financial.
These roles come at a time when we are actively reviewing how we learn from and build on the experience of the last two years and successful applicants can be part of helping us emerge stronger as we look forward to our next 150 years. All trustees play a full role in leading our strategic direction and continued development as we re-establish face-to-face teaching and capitalise on the global online audience attracted during lockdown.
What will you be doing?
As one of our trustees you will provide leadership, develop policy and share the joint responsibility of the RSN’s board of Trustees (The RSN Council) for setting strategic direction, ensuring financial sustainability, overseeing the efficient and effective performance of the charity and complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.
Being a trustee can develop your strategic thinking, provide new experiences and perspectives, and can help you gain valuable governance experience. You will contribute to discussions and decisions on all aspects of our operation, get to know more about our history and royal heritage, and share your own professional expertise as appropriate.
We are based at Hampton Court Palace, but trustees are currently located throughout the UK. We have a mix of virtual and physical meetings and encourage you to get to know our onsite team of staff so you can better understand what makes us tick.
Reasonable expenses can be claimed, based on the RSNs expenses policy, for attendance at board meetings and other events necessary for the fulfilment of trustee duties. This is a voluntary role and trustees receive no remuneration.
To find out more about the role and apply, click here.