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The International Summer School 2023 Begins!
30th June, 2023
The highly anticipated RSN International Summer School will be kicking off in just a few short weeks! People from all over the world will be joining us Onsite at Hampton Court Palace, London, and The Glasgow Art Club, Scotland, to take a class (or multiple classes!) taught by our expert RSN Tutors.
If you would like to sign up to one of our International Summer School classes, we still have some spaces for Onsite classes available at Hampton Court Palace and The Glasgow Art Club.
Upon signing up, you will receive a lovely welcome gift, as well as having access to a range of exclusive Online Talks.
For those joining a 4 – 6 day long course Hampton Court Palace, you will also have the opportunity to visit Buckingham Palace to view the Coronation Display.
We can’t wait to see you!
Browse our list of 2023 International Summer School classes here