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Meet Angela Anderson, C&D Summer Intensive Student
27th March, 2023
The Certificate & Diploma in Technical Hand Embroidery (C&D) is the most flexible course, which is taught Online as well as Onsite, at Hampton Court Palace, south west London, Bristol, Rugby, Durham and Glasgow, and internationally in Fredericksburg USA, in the spring and fall, and Japan.
For the Online Classes, we have introduced an Online Jacobean Crewelwork module so that all new students start together which has resulted in several of them continuing and completing the other techniques, making new friends from all across the world.
For the Onsite Classes, students can start at any time during the academic year, and we have announced the dates of the C&D Summer Intensive Programme which allows students, who are busy during term time, to complete one technique over two weeks, in July and August.
Angela Anderson, who graduated from the RSN Certificate last year, explains her student journey.
“I was thrilled to attain merit for the RSN Certificate in 2022 after starting the course at the beginning of 2019, having seen adverts in stitch magazines.
Stitching has been with me since the age of seven and I wanted to learn to a good standard. I completed the Crewelwork and Silk Shading modules during the Summer Intensives at Hampton Court Palace. I absolutely loved stitching at the Palace, having the advantage of face-to-face engagement and learning on consecutive days with lots of homework each night. I met like-minded people from different parts of the world with whom I am still very good friends.
My other two Certificate pieces, Canvaswork and Goldwork, were taught extremely well Online, with the advantage of taking the class at home. Goldwork became my favourite technique because I could see the design coming together quickly using different metal threads to give shine and form.
My RSN journey continues onto the RSN Diploma with Blackwork, a slow but rewarding piece that requires a lot of thought. This was another Summer Intensive in 2022 with two friends from the Jacobean module.
I thoroughly enjoy stitching and learning each technique because there are varying differences of manipulating threads within my own design. Currently, I am stitching examples of Pulled and Drawn Whitework and am really looking forward to stitching this technique.”
The dates for all the C&D Summer Intensive sessions are below and show where spaces are available. We have a limited number of spaces remaining, so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Summer Intensive Dates
If you would like to join us for one of our Summer Intensives, we have listed the dates below. If you are new to the Certificate course, start with the Jacobean Crewelwork Summer Intensive, however if you are already studying C&D and would like to do an intensive course for your next module, we also run them in Canvas Stitches/Blackwork; Silk Shading; Goldwork and the Diploma techniques.
RSN Hampton Court Palace
• Jacobean Crewelwork Summer Intensive: Mon 26 June to Fri 7 July
• Diploma techniques: Mon 26 June to Fri 7 July
• Canvas Stitches/Blackwork Summer Intensive: Mon 10 July to Fri 21 July
• Silk Shading Summer Intensive: Mon 24 July to Fri 4 August
• Goldwork Summer Intensive: Mon 7 August to Fri 18 August
RSN Durham
• Spring Intensive: Mon 24 to Thurs 28 April Only 1 space left
• Summer Intensive: Tues 4 to Fri 7 July; Tues 11 to Fri 14 July
RSN Scotland
• Summer Intensive: Mon 19 to Thurs 22 June; Mon 26 to Thurs 29 June Only 2 spaces left
If you are interested in a remaining place or would like to put your name on a waiting list please contact: [email protected]
Find out more about the Certificate & Diploma Course to attend our next Online Open Day at 1pm on Tuesday 6 June. Register here.