Meet International Summer School Student Lionel Fifield

29th February, 2024

Our International Summer School classes have a class that is suitable for everyone, but don’t just take our word for it! Meet Lionel Fifield, and find out about his experience on discovering a brand new hobby through taking classes with the RSN.

‘I am a 75-year-old man who discovered the world of embroidery about 6 years ago whilst visiting a friend who had been recently widowed. This lady was a teacher of Japanese embroidery and had some magnificent examples of her embroidery displayed in her house.

Suggestions that I would like to purchase one of these were rejected, but she offered to teach me how to do it, but only if I learnt how to sew. I decided to take up the challenge, even though at this point of my life I had never picked up a needle.

A Christmas present that year was a basic sort of sewing kit for a small table cover. Whilst doing this, I discovered that the Royal School of Needlework was teaching a class in Dublin (where I live) so I signed up. To do so, I had to become an honorary member of the ICA (Irish Countrywomen’s Association – their equivalent of the WI) to be allowed on their premises.

I spent a few days there under the guidance of an excellent RSN Tutor, and never had to thread a needle as the other pupils were all kind enough to assist this rather clumsy man.

To expand my knowledge, I followed the classes of the RSN, taking a few to learn about Crewelwork, Silk Shading, Blackwork and how to mount a piece. All these classes have been excellent, and aside from learning all of these the techniques, I have met some very interesting people in the classes Online via Zoom.

I chose the Butterfly Garden for last year’s International Summer School as it was different and more of a challenge than some of the introductory pieces. I am nearing completion and am excited for the new classes being taught this year.

Being a man who does embroidery, I have had nothing but nice comments from those around me.  I belong to a bridge club and have to take my latest piece in on completion for their critique, happily they are kind to me.

When I have been sewing in a public place there has been nothing but good comments from the other men. During Covid it was a wonderful way of passing the time and today I still try to fit in an hour or two of needlework.’

Inspired by Lionel’s word? Get started with your hand embroidery journey, and browse our International Summer School classes here.