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New Stumpwork Video Course
3rd September, 2021
We have launched a new Self-Paced Video Online Course, ‘Introduction to Stumpwork’ with RSN Tutor Jen Goodwin. The new course, takes you on a journey into the unique technique of Stumpwork to create a beautiful hunting scene, inspired by a historical piece from our Textile Collection (see full scene below).
‘Introduction to Stumpwork’ features a series of three-dimensional elements, combined with a range of stitches and additional techniques including Burden Stitch, Needlelace, Couching, Silk Shading and Appliqué. Produced in partnership with David and Charles, this is a Self-Paced Video Online Course which allows you to follow the lessons at your own pace, in the comfort of your home. You can watch each section as many times as you need, and you can pause at any point to focus on your stitching before moving on.
‘Introduction to Stumpwork’ is the ninth course in the series and suitable for confident beginners or intermediate level students in the art of hand embroidery. Additional Introduction Courses available include Jacobean Crewelwork; Blackwork; Canvaswork; Whitework; Silk Shading and Goldwork. There are also two ‘Next Steps’ courses in Contemporary Crewelwork and Goldwork & Silk Shading.
The full range of our Self-Paced Video Online Courses are on the dedicated website