New Videos for Schools

29th June, 2021

The series of new videos for our Schools’ Project ‘Embroider a Selfie’ are now live on YouTube!

The videos feature RSN Tutor Sonja Galsworthy and a message from Mr X Stitch, who is the RSN Ambassador of this project.  There are four videos which offer inspiration; demonstrations of the basics of needlework and key stitches that children can use to create their own ‘Selfie’ or ‘Power Mantra’.  Whether a pupil chooses to stitch a face or inspirational word, these two themes have been specifically chosen to motivate and build self-esteem, using the soothing flow of stitch to decrease stress.

The videos are easily accessible on our YouTube account, so school teachers and children can watch them, whether in the classroom or at home.

As part of the project, we have a limited number of free kits, which include information and examples in a special booklet, plus a host of materials – hoops, threads, needles and scissors as well as handkerchiefs and bags to stitch onto.  We have also added the RSN Book of Embroidery, which is an excellent guide to the technical aspects of stitch and the different techniques.

If you are a Secondary School Teacher and would like your school to receive a kit, please apply by answering the following questions.

  • The name and address of the school
  • Your name and email address at school
  • Your role at the school
  • How you envisage using the kit
  • How your school would benefit from this opportunity

We particularly encourage schools in more disadvantaged areas to apply. Please email your applications to [email protected]

Further information on ‘Embroider a Selfie’ can be found on our website here.