We are delighted to share that two RSN Degree Graduates were selected for The Métiers d’Art Embroidery Fellowship, a 24-week programme with The CHANEL & King’s Foundation Métiers d’art Fellowship in Partnership with Le19M.
Read about RSN Degree Graduate Alice Long’s experience on the Fellowship:
“I can’t say I knew what to expect when I moved into Highgrove Traditional Crafts, Gloucester, this January to start the CHANEL & King’s Foundation Metiers d’art Fellowship in Partnership with le19M. Only that for our first week, five other fellows and I would travel to Paris to improve our hand embroidery skills, and by the end of the 24-week fellowship we would have created an amazing couture embroidery for fashion under the sponsorship of CHANEL.
Week one introduced us to le19M, the building that houses LESAGE, MAISON LEMARIÉ and Atelier Montex – the embroidery ateliers that would mentor each pair of fellows. Throughout the following weeks, we started and completed our hand embroidery training, Level One and Level Two of the Lesage embroidery programs, which benefitted our practice to no end when we began sampling for our project.
With the inspiration for our projects set as Highgrove Gardens, the six of us were granted permission to tour the King’s estate four times; my inspiration came from the Wall of Gifts, a wall fashioned from church stone donated to the King by masonry students.
Supported two more times with trips to Paris and by the wonderful creative staff at Highgrove, all six of us spent the rest of our time developing our work to its final creation, leaving four weeks at the end to create our couture embroidered pattern piece.
The opportunity the King’s Foundation has offered me and the funding and support from CHANEL has truly been beyond my imagination. After graduating, I will have the support and contact of the King’s Foundation to advance my emerging career.”
Image credits: Ana Clark, Oliver Holmes, CHANEL