Becky Hogg

Becky Hogg is author of the RSN Essential Stitch Guide – Blackwork published by Search Press. After achieving a first class honours degree in Textiles, Becky studied on the RSN Apprenticeship. She now teaches RSN Day Classes and Bespoke Classes and has taught on the Certificate & Diploma Summer Intensives and Degree Programmes.


On completion of her embroidery training, Becky worked in the RSN Embroidery Studio on various prestigious commissions including conservation projects, a new set of curtains for the Royal Opera House London, the commonwealth banner for The Queen’s Golden Jubilee, and she was also part of the team that worked on the Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding dress. Recent projects include embroidery for Alexander McQueen’s couture collections and a sewing project for artists Gilbert and George. Becky has written and designed the project embroidery for two published books. She is also the RSN Tutor for the successful RSN Self-Paced Video Online Course to Goldwork which launched in September 2018.


Start Date Name Details Location Price Availability

ONL25347 Metalwork Heron

£202.00 13 123
£202.00 13 123

ONL25451 William Morris Inspired Strawberry Brooch

£149.00 13 123
£149.00 13 123