Sophie Long
Sophie Long graduated from the RSN Apprenticeship in 2008 and is now completing her Certificate in Education. She currently divides her time between working in the RSN Studio and teaching the RSN Certificate and Day Classes. She has taught for the RSN in both the UK and the United States as well as at the RSN satellite centre in Exeter. Sophie has exhibited at a range of embroidery shows around the UK and had her first solo exhibition in 2014.
Sophie was one of the RSN Studio team commissioned by English Heritage to embroider a set of wall hangings for Dover Castle in the style of the 12th century. The culmination of Sophie’s hard work came in 2011, when she was invited to be part of the team to work on The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton’s wedding dress. She currently works for the award winning dress designer Louise Selby, hand finishing and embroidering clothing.
Sophie is the author of Mastering the Art of Hand Embroidery and Ribbon Embroidery.