Visit to RSN Japan

20th January, 2020

Our Chief Executive Dr Susan Kay-Williams recently went to Japan to meet with our Japanese students in Osaka and Tokyo, and to award their Certificate & Diploma in Technical Hand Embroidery certificates and prizes.

During her visit, Susan awarded RSN Student Fumiko Tsunashima who had completed the RSN Certificate and won the ‘Sheila Fraser Prize’ for top overall marks in the Certificate 2018. An award was also given to Mihoyo Yonei for top overall marks for the Diploma!

A big congratulations to Fumiko and Mihoyo, and the excellent work that is being produced at RSN Japan.  View their beautiful and inspirational work below.

We are delighted that RSN Japan will be celebrating its 10-year anniversary this year.

For further information on the RSN C&D courses offered in Japan, please contact [email protected]