This beautiful technique, sometimes known as ‘painting with a needle’, uses a number of colours in cotton or silk threads, skilfully blended together to create the natural appearance of a flower, fruit, plant or animal.

This beautiful technique, sometimes known as ‘painting with a needle’, uses a number of colours in cotton or silk threads, skilfully blended together to create the natural appearance of a flower, fruit, plant or animal.

Silk shading fox by Zinaida Kazban on our advanced silk shading course

Online Video Courses

Silk Shading is a beautiful technique that uses Long and Short stitches to create realistic colour blending, achieving smooth transitions between the different tones.  Learn anywhere, any time and at own your pace with the RSN’s popular Online Online Courses.  There is an ‘Introduction to Silk Shading‘ as well as a ‘Next Steps’ course combining ‘Goldwork & Silk Shading‘.

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