International Stress Awareness Week

27th October, 2023

From 30 October – 3 November, it is International Stress Awareness Week, a week that aims to support people and organisations to better cope with stress and improve mental wellbeing.

It has been long documented that there is a positive link between hand embroidery, and improved mental health. By stepping away from fast paced, busy modern life that involves endless screentime, craft based hobbies can be a great way to switch off from stresses and responsibilities, as well as provide an opportunity to create something lovely.

To celebrate the importance of hand embroidery and its effect on the mind, we would like to share with you some quotes from our students and supporters, who have found the art of hand embroidery deeply beneficial for improving their mental health, and keeping stress at bay.

“Embroidery helps me become present in moment and gives me a sense of achievement”.

“Embroidery puts a large distance between my negative thoughts”.

“Stitching has been part of my stress relief toolkit for years!”

“I suffer from severe anxiety, and stitching helps me stop the endless cycle of thinking about worse case scenarios”.

“It enables me to focus entirely on creating something beautiful”.

“It keeps my mind off screens after a long work day”.

We would also like to share this testimonial from a loyal supporter of the RSN, who has found comfort in embroidery whilst going through a difficult time.

My husband was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a 100% fatal motor neuron disease, just before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time when we most needed support, we both became very isolated from friends, family and other connections. Taking classes virtually through the RSN these last few years has been so positive for my mental health and has helped give me confidence that comes through learning and creation.

All the classes I have taken have been really wonderful. Thank you for offering virtual classes. They’ve helped calm me, and given me a community around a shared interest, when I’ve really needed it.’

If you are looking for a creative outlet that can help you unwind and deal with your stress levels, why not give hand embroidery a try? We have plenty of classes, courses and resources that can help.

If you would like to make a start, and get your friends and family involved, join our Online Sip & Stitch event on Friday 3 November, where you will stitch alongside people from all over the world to help raise funds for the RSN.

Visit RSN Stitch Bank, a wonderful free resource that aims to digitally conserve and showcase the wide variety of the world’s embroidery stitches.

Canvaswork by RSN Scotland Certificate student Elizabeth Hay