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Donate towards the RSN’s work

From: £1.00

SKU: DONATETORSN Category: Tags: , , ,


  • 150 Forward Campaign - to donate towards our 150 Forward Campaign please visit our main 150 Forward page. Thank you.
  • US Tax payers - please donate via our US donation page if you need a receipt suitable for your tax return, and not via this page. Thank you.


At the Royal School of Needlework we are passionate about keeping the art of hand embroidery alive and your donations help us to do that.

The RSN is a registered charity (No. 312774) so every donation we receive means a great deal to us. We receive no government funding, so rely on your generous support to ensure hand embroidery is both preserved and developed for future generations.

Gifts made to the RSN can help support our core programmes such as our vital Future Tutor scheme and offer bursaries to Future Tutor and Degree students. Or gifts can support our campaigns for new initiatives like RSN Stitch Bank, our Embroider-a-Selfie for Schools, or our major project to digitise our Textile Collection and Archive and put them online for everyone to see.

Gifts can help teach the embroiderers of the future or can help bring the RSN’s history out of the closet for all to enjoy. Through a gift you can be part of the future of the RSN and the story of hand embroidery.

For RSN Stitch Bank donations, please add 'RSN Stitch Bank' in the 'Additional Information' box when making your donation. Thank-you!

You can support us by giving a single donation or, alternatively, by becoming an RSN Friend or Special Supporter.








SKU: DONATETORSN Category: Tags: , , ,



  • 150 Forward Campaign – to donate towards our 150 Forward Campaign please visit our main 150 Forward page. Thank you.
  • US Tax payers – please donate via our US donation page if you need a receipt suitable for your tax return, and not via this page. Thank you.


At the Royal School of Needlework we are passionate about keeping the art of hand embroidery alive and your donations help us to do that.

The RSN is a registered charity (No. 312774) so every donation we receive means a great deal to us. We receive no government funding, so rely on your generous support to ensure hand embroidery is both preserved and developed for future generations.

Gifts made to the RSN can help support our core programmes such as our vital Future Tutor scheme and offer bursaries to Future Tutor and Degree students. Or gifts can support our campaigns for new initiatives like RSN Stitch Bank, our Embroider-a-Selfie for Schools, or our major project to digitise our Textile Collection and Archive and put them online for everyone to see.

Gifts can help teach the embroiderers of the future or can help bring the RSN’s history out of the closet for all to enjoy. Through a gift you can be part of the future of the RSN and the story of hand embroidery.

For RSN Stitch Bank donations, please add ‘RSN Stitch Bank’ in the ‘Additional Information’ box when making your donation. Thank-you!

You can support us by giving a single donation or, alternatively, by becoming an RSN Friend or Special Supporter.