Take inspiration from our world directory of stitches, RSN Stitch Bank, and choose the ‘Sew Unusual’ challenge.  Our expert Tutors have chosen 10 unusual and less used stitches for you to explore. Simply visit rsnstitchbank.org,  to find the ‘Sew Unusual’ list of stitches.  From Cable Chain and Pistil Stitch to Padded Satin and Quaker Stitch, which ones do you know?

Here are few ideas to make your event ‘Sew Unusual’:

  • Choose just one stitch or challenge yourself to use all 10, to create your embroidery.
  • Add one or two of the stitches to a vintage or rare piece of clothing and end your day with a fashion show!
  • Choose one of the free templates and have fun trialling all the different stitches.
  • Challenge your guests to a Stitch Mastermind Quiz and find the Embroidery Einstein at your event!
  • Enjoy looking through RSN Stitch Bank and support us by Adopting a Stitch.


Download the ‘Sew Unusual’ theme here.


We would love to see your finished designs. Upload them to social media, tag @royalneedlework and use the hashtag #SipandStitch, so we can share all the wonderful things you create.