The beautiful badger was created after Nicola spotted this striking creature in the parkland of Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwickshire. A masterclass in crewel and surface embroidery techniques, the project includes Split Stitch, Stem Stitch, Long and Short Shading, Couching, Fly Stitch, Seed Stitch and French Knots
40cm x 4ocm twill with printed animal motif (h: 17cm x w: 23cm)
Embroidery and Chenille needles
Appletons crewel wool
De Vere Yarns worsted wool
Fine d’Aubusson Wool
DMC stranded cotton
Au Ver A Soie Un Fil metallic filament
Madeira metallic filament
Miyuki seed beads
Warning: Not suitable for children, this kit contains a sharp object.